Divine Intervention 360
Breaking the Matrix
Divine Intervention 360 details the shocking truths of the tactics that are used by the programmed to further force the program’s agenda. It goes from end of the spectrum, completely to the other end because it also highlights a few learnable tricks to spot your abusers and how to keep yourself grounded until the smoke clears. Warning, pay attention, because what you think is normal, is that much further from the truth.
Through this book:
- You will learn self-help.
- Self-care techniques are provided.
- Knowing that you are not alone even though that’s how “they” want you to feel.
- Light is shed on societies false truths.
- Awareness is given.

About the Author

Divine Intervention 360
Breaking the Matrix
Chapter 1: Toxic Roots
The programming starts when we are fresh out of the womb.
Chapter 2: Frenemies
They only like you when they can hold back from achieving more than they can.
Chapter 3: Vent
When necessary, be your own BFF.
Chapter 4: Real Eyes = Realize
When someone isn’t for you, it’ll seep through their pours.
Chapter 5: I’m On To You
Pay attention when you see someone’s words not matching their actions.
Chapter 6: Undressing Scars
Don’t be scared to look at yourself and those ugly hidden scars.
Chapter 7: Damage Control
When you know your own worth no one can dictate your value.
Chapter 8: King Soup
They secretly hate me and my son, but more, they hate our bond.
Chapter 9: Back On the Wall
These are the accounts of a true warrior spirit.
Chapter 10: Puzzle Pieces
I had to see everything for what it was, and not as it was being portrayed.
Chapter 11: The Shake Back
Where I am now versus where they wanted me to be.